I'm wondering if anyone has done recent testing of the University Products/Lineco Volara Rabbett lining tape? It did not pass in a 2013 Cleveland Museum of Art test and I've wondered if there have been any updates. As a volara and acrylic adhesive product, it's puzzling what is making it fail. It's a great mount padding for non-sensitive objects and I've been able to get it in the .0312" x.25" size from University Products as well as a .5" and .75" widths from 888 Mfg. If anyone has an active testing program going it would be great to get these tested again to see if there have been any changes.
Volara Rabbet Lining Tape does not appear on the AIC Material Testing Results Wiki as of February 2024. "Acrylic adhesive" might sound benign enough, but these products often contain VOCs that can be problematic for use in close proximity to museum collections. Volara itself is (generally speaking) perfectly safe and there are a number of double stick tapes that pass muster, so you can DIY your own version of volara rabbet lining tape. Not as convenient, but probably a lot safer.