Brian Jeffrey 7/24/18
As you are probably aware, both the standard FOSSHAPE 300 (300 gram per sq. meter) and heavier weight FOSSHAPE 600 both pass oddy testing. Does anyone have oddy test results on the FOSSHAPE BLACK 400 or perhaps know whether or not it has been tested?? Brian Jeffrey
PJ Grimm
My textile conservator has told me in the past… if it has been dyed black it will not pass oddy testing. The only way we were able to use black here has been in open air temporary displays.
It’s a rule that has stuck here. I would like to know the results if someone does test this.
PJ Grimm
Preparator | 513-639-2010
953 Eden Park Drive | Cincinnati, OH 45202
Brian Jeffrey
Yes, thanks makes sense to me, but FOSSHAPE BLACK 400 is not a stock dyed material. Neither the synthetic fiber utilized in the composition or the finished fabric has been dyed. There is not post treatment involved changing white to black. The staple fibers utilized for the mechanical entanglement/nonwoven manufacturing process are “solution dyed”. Old textile speak here, but t’s kind of like a radish and a carrot… if you look at the cross section of a radish and a carrot, the radish is red on the outside, but white on the inside, whereas the carrot is orange throughout. The fibers used in the construction of FOSSHAPE BLACK 400 are the black throughout and produced that way during the fiber extrusion process and not white fibers or a white fabric than has been dyed black.
Brian Jeffrey