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Anjali Jain
The Elephant in the Room: Mounting a 19th Century Elephant Armour at the MSMSII Museum, Jaipur
Objects Conservator

Rajiv Kedia
The Elephant in the Room: Mounting a 19th Century Elephant Armour at the MSMSII Museum, Jaipur
Techno Centre (India) Pvt. Ltd
Joint Managing Director

Mahmoud Abu Al-Saud Mahmoud Ahmed
Mounting Solutions for Stone Sculptures: Enhancing Preservation with Polymer-Based Mounts
Grand Egyptian Museum

Vincent Avalos
When One Mount Isn’t Enough: Seismically Retrofitting a 2000-Pound Scholar’s Rock in the Bay Area
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

Allyn Goo
Hang Tight: Using Digital Aids to Mount a Pātaka Whakairo
Bishop Museum
Exhibit Preparator and Mountmaker

Andrew Talley
Out of Thin Air: Mounting and Installing Tiffany Studios' Hartwell Memorial Window at the Art Institute of Chicago
Art Institute of Chicago
Senior Mountmaker

Rachel Sabino
Out of Thin Air: Mounting and Installing Tiffany Studios' Hartwell Memorial Window at the Art Institute of Chicago
Art Institute of Chicago
Director of Objects and Textiles Conservation

BJ Farrar
The Cordier Challenge: A New Approach to Internal Mounts
J. Paul Getty Museum
Senior Mountmaker

Richard Hards
The Cordier Challenge: A New Approach to Internal Mounts
J. Paul Getty Museum
Senior Mountmaker

Philip Brutz
The Reluctant Chicken Farmer: Telescopic Carbon Fiber Mount for a George Segal Plaster Figure
Cleveland Museum of Art

Beth Edelstein
The Reluctant Chicken Farmer: Telescopic Carbon Fiber Mount for a George Segal Plaster Figure
Cleveland Museum of Art
Senior Conservator and Head of Objects Conservation

Shelly Uhlir
Coatings for Exhibition Mounts: A Deep Exploration of a Superficial Process
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
Exhibits Specialist, Mountmaker

Jennifer Nieling
Soft Forms and Hard Finishes: An Experimental Approach to Mannequins Representing Real People
JLN Costume Mounting LLC / National Museum of African American History & Culture
Owner, JLN Costume Mounting LLC

Laura Mina
Soft Forms and Hard Finishes: An Experimental Approach to Mannequins Representing Real People
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture
Conservator of Textiles

Rachael Lee
Making a Model Mannequin – Couture Mounting and Cutaways for NAOMI: In Fashion
Victoria & Albert Museum
Senior Costume Mounting Specialist

Sophia Smolenski
Offering It Up – A Project Exploring Object Making and Object Support in Aotearoa New Zealand
Independent contractor

Jackie Manning
Three-Dimensional Mounts for Raven’s Tail and Chilkat Robes
Alaska State Museum
Curator or Exhibitions

Aaron Elmore
Three-Dimensional Mounts for Raven’s Tail and Chilkat Robes
Alaska State Museum
Exhibit Specialist

Mahmoud Fathy
New Trends in Cushion Mounts: Enhancing Artifact Protection and Display
Grand Egyptian Museum
Mount Making Specialist and Senior Conservator

Carmela Lonetti
Puppets in Wonderland: Developing Mounts for Alice in Wonderland Marionette Puppets to Create an ‘Animated’ Atmosphere and Showcase the Puppets’ Performative Past
Arts Centre Melbourne
Object Conservator

Ania Golębiowska
Mounting Motorcycle Legends
Zenzie Tinker Conservation
Textile Conservator

Elijah WIlliams
On Mounting a Robot
New York Institute of Technology School of Architecture and Design Fabrication Lab
Digital Technology Specialist

Beth Knight
Transforming the National Air and Space Museum's Mannequins
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Becky Doonan
Handy Holders: Mounting with Magnets for Flexible Display and Study Options
Becky Doonan Conservation
Textile Conservator

Alessandro Scola
A New Approach to Mountmaking for Library Material: Modular and Re-usable Book Cradles for More Sustainable Exhibits
Johns Hopkins University
Senior Book Conservator

Mike Lai
Making Mounts Without the Objects: Using 3D Scanning, Modeling & Printing Technologies
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Head Museum Mountmaker

Kimberley McParland
Mount Storage – Mo’ Mounts, Mo’ Problems
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Exhibitions Preparator

BJ Farrar
Fosshé: An Innovative Method for Building Flexible, Rigid, Interior Supports
J. Paul Getty Museum
Senior Mountmaker, Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation

Melissa Huddleston
Fosshé: An Innovative Method for Building Flexible, Rigid, Interior Supports
Getty Research Institute
Assistant Conservator

Pamela Hatchfield
From Permanent to Portable: A Chinese Stele's Journey from a Garden in Maine to the MFA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Henderson Head of Objects Conservation Emerita

Pierre-Luc Brouillette & Bernard Lamarche
A Three Body Problem: Mountmaking and Contemporary Art
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec

Bernard Lamarche
A Three Body Problem: Mountmaking and Contemporary Art
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
Curator of Contemporary Art

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