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2024: BJ Farrar and Richard Hards. 2024. The Cordier Challenge: A New Approach to Internal Mounts. YouTube video of presentation from the 9th International Mountmaking Forum (IMF2024), MFA Boston.


2024: Carmela Lonetti. 2024. Puppets in Wonderland: Developing Mounts for Alice in Wonderland Marionette Puppets to Create an ‘Animated’ Atmosphere and Showcase the Puppets’ Performative Past. YouTube video of presentation from the 9th International Mountmaking Forum (IMF2024), MFA Boston.


2024: Alessandro Scola. 2024. A New Approach to Mountmaking for Library Material: Modular and Re-usable Book Cradles for More Sustainable Exhibits. YouTube video of presentation from the 9th International Mountmaking Forum (IMF2024), MFA Boston. 


2021: Williams, Alan and Keith Dowen, ed. 2021. Arms and Armour: History, Conservation and Analysis. Chapter 6 by Petra Fuchs, “Mannequins for armours: a conservational and aesthetic challenge”. Archetype Publications.


2020: Leanne Smith. 2020. Mount-making for Display and Conservation: A Case Study. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Pierre-luc Brouillette. 2020. Telescopic Slide: A wall-mount system for presenting light and fragile objects. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Lucía Torner. 2020. Floating Cradle for Pamphlets and Light Books. YouTube video of poster presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Warren Bennett. 2020. Internal Struggles: A Look at Interior Mounting Solutions. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Jill Comer. 2020. Invisible Mounts: Internal Mounting Techniques at the Harvard Art Museums. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Louise Bradley. 2020. Mounting Religious Objects with Access to the Object and Mounting a Collection of Ethnographic Art. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Tim Skornia. 2020. Mount Fixtures for Donald Judd Sculpture. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Vincent Avalos. 2020. Mounting Isamu Noguchi’s One Ton Sculpture, The Seeker Sought. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Adam Bradshaw. 2020. Digital Fabrication in the Museum Space. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Gwen Spicer and Tim Harriss. 2020. Overcoming the Challenges of Mounting a 39 foot long Painted Textile with a Magnetic Mounting System. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Andrea Goldstein. 2020. Paper Hair and Paper Maché: Mounting Two Korean Headpieces at the V&A Museum. YouTube video of poster presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Emil Her Many Horses and Shelly Uhlir. 2020. Mannequins at NMAI: An Ongoing Conversation. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Sara Hume and Jim Williams. 2020. Mannequin Matters at Kent State University Museum. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Lara Flecker. 2020. Mannequins For Real People: Historic Vs. Contemporary. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Brett Angell. 2020. A Mannequin Is Converted. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Mair LaTouche. 2020. Animated Forms at Historic Deerfield. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Heidi Swierenga. 2020. There Are Two Sides to Everything. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Jody Hanson and Nick Pedemonti. 2020. A Reimagining: Returning the Lost Ornaments to Robert Adam’s Table at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. YouTube video of presentation from the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2020: Gwen Spicer, Pierre-luc Brouillette, Laura McClure. 2020. Panel Discussion: Magnets: Safety, Storage, Handling, Tools, and Coatings. YouTube video of panel discussion presented at the 7th International Mountmakers Forum (IMF2020) virtual conference.


2016: Vincent Avalos. 2016. The Effects of Harmonics: The Challenge of Mitigating Seismic Forces on Colossal Sculpture. YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 5th Biennial Conference, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH USA.


2016: Philip Brutz. 2016. A Mount for a Royal Persian Tent. YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 5th Biennial Conference, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH USA.


2016: Allan Cooke. 2016. Displaying "Curiosities" from the Cook Voyage Collection. YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 5th Biennial Conference, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH USA.


2016: Matthew Cumbie. 2016. Crown of the Andes Mount. YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 5th Biennial Conference, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH USA.


2016: Jason Webster. 2016. Mounts for a Haus Tambaran (Men's Spirit House) 20' Lintel, Papua New Guinea. YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 5th Biennial Conference, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH USA.


2014: Dan Radven. 2014. Necklace Mount System. YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 4th Biennial Conference, New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe, NM USA.


2014: McKenzie Lowry. 2014. Mountmaking as Preventative Conservation. 

YouTube video of a paper presented at the IMF 4th Biennial Conference, New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe, NM USA.


2013: Susanne Gansïcke, Pamela Hatchfield, Jean Louis Lachevre, Craig Uram, and Dante Vallance. 2013. “New Mounting Systems Provide Mobility for Two Ancient Objects at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 51 (1): 27-45.


2013: Jamie Hascall. 2013. “Receiver Systems for Object Mounts: A Design Concept for Safe Installation and Display Flexibility.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 51 (1): 47-50.


2013: Mark Mitton and Adrienne Pamp. 2013. “Cast Bronze Mounts for Temporary Exhibitions at the J. Paul Getty Museum.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 51 (1): 69-76.


2013: Jonathan Pressler. 2013. “Mount Challenges and Solutions for Native Alaskan Objects for a Study Collection in an Earthquake Zone.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 51 (1): 85-98.


2012: Kim Flora. 2012. Vanishing Act: Mount Solutions for Jewelry and Fashion Accessories at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Poster presented at the IMF 3rd Biennial Conference, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL USA.


2012: Bill Thomas. 2012. Canyon Wall Case at the Natural History Museum of Utah. Paper presented at the IMF 3rd Biennial Conference, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL USA.


2012: Jim Williams. 2012. Dancing Pants! Articulated Mannequins (Legs only) for Katharine Hepburn Costumes. Poster presented at the IMF 3rd Biennial Conference, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL USA.


2010: Matthew Cox. 2010. The Fabrication and Mounting of a Rotating Jewelry Gallery at the Museum of Arts and Design. Paper presented at the IMF 2nd Biennial Conference, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC USA.


2010: Carl Schlichting. 2010. Mounting MOA’s New Visible Storage. Paper presented at the IMF 2nd Biennial Conference, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC USA.


2010: Helen Walker. 2010. Layering Life: Mount Making for the Darwin Centre Cocoon. Paper presented at the IMF 2nd Biennial Conference, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC USA.


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